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The Story



In millennia past, merchants in ancient Babylon spawned writing as we know it.

Tracking shipments and expenses, they pressed words into clay to create history's first piece of text, deftly carved using fine precision. Stone was the canvas; Stylus the tool.

Our namesake was born.

Today, writing gear has evolved, but our ethos remain unscathed. At Sone & Stylus, we still treat words like beacons of ingenuity — an artform of love, labour, and passion. Like those before us, precision begets brilliance.

Our patriarchs would be proud.

Born in Sydney,
grown abroad,
loved everywhere.

Early days, we were nestled among Sydney's concrete landmarks, the brainchild of marketers by trade and writers by passion.

We noticed most writers lacked strategic insight while the best marketers had no time to craft good words. Worse yet, freelancers contractors lacked the grit to take on large enterprise projects. We had the radical idea of filling that gap; an agency of marketers with alphabetic prowess, serving corporate leviathans with tight demands.

Faced with an ever-changing world, we left the nest and took our words global. By year's end, our work was read in multiple countries, countless industries, and three languages – spreading love for everything from British bikes to Croatian confectionery.

Reach out so we can see some more sights.

Our values

Our work remains under threat by laws that cripple the free exchange of ideas. That’s why we’re proud to stand against censorship and the State-led monopolization of truth. If our work can help slay those cruelties, we’ll do it at no cost.

There's more to our craft than writing good copy — we're in it to write history, for good.

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